From 0 to 10K Users: Our Product Experiment with JobPulseA few months ago, Jerry Yu and I decided to take on a side project to see what it’s like to build a product from the ground up. That’s how…Oct 23, 2023Oct 23, 2023
Building My first GPT appIf you go to social media nowadays, everyone is discussing how Chat GPT has been and will continue to disrupt how we interact with…Sep 16, 2023Sep 16, 2023
Diary 01: Prioritize tasks as a Product ManagerIn the summer of 2022, I interned as a Product Manager at SoFi/Galileo. One of the tasks assigned to me was to prioritize accumulated…Dec 27, 2022Dec 27, 2022
How do different tiers of Video Creators film their videos?Every day, we watch videos on Youtube or other platforms like BiliBili. Have you ever wondered how these brilliant content creators work…Oct 18, 2022Oct 18, 2022
我的贪心留学之路—2021Fall多国跨专业半DIY申请总结“小孩子才做选择,大人兼而有之”。在留学申请之初,我面对“去哪里留学”,“读什么专业”等问题都犹豫不决。这不是因为我想不出答案,而是因为我有太多答案了,什么都想去尝试,什么专业都想去读。既想留在本科专业的码农圈,又想涉猎些八竿子打不着的领域。Jun 16, 2021Jun 16, 2021
高效阅读比想象中要简单这篇博客的源头是,前阵子我不能长时间看电子屏幕。由于被剥夺了刷视频,刷知乎等电子时代简单粗暴的快乐,我只好在这项传统的、经久不衰的娱乐活动——阅读中,寻求慰藉。Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021
从零到一: 动手搭建个人网站搭建一个可以让朋友们都来访问的个人网站,远远不仅是写html代码这么简单。我们还需要解决把网站放到互联网上,让网站可以搜索,加速网站资源等等问题。笔者在把自己的网站搭建起来之前也踩了很多坑,最后终于磕磕绊绊的搭建起来了一个运行流畅的个人网站。在这里,笔者简要地总结一下搭建网站的几…Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021